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The 2020 -2021 school year saw the launch of a new local program called Project: Leadership.

Project: Leadership is a Youth Volunteer Corps Reading Initiative to engage students at Reading High School in leadership development through service learning. In this program, YVC staff helps students transform their passions into service projects that benefit their community or their school. Through detailed project planning, peer recruitment, setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, budgeting, and project implementation, students gain valuable life and career skills.

Projects during the inaugural year have included a youth basketball camp run at an Olivet Boys & Girls Club by a member of the Reading High basketball team, a city-wide neighborhood cleanup and youth engagement event initiated by captains of the Reading High football team, design of a large scale inclusive mural called “Knights be Heard“ by a RHS senior, a feminine hygiene product drive to benefit girls and women in local shelters by an RHS freshman, and more.

Funded by California attorney and Reading native, Daniel Barron, this program gives high school students important opportunities to stay connected to and help their communities all while developing themselves. For more information, contact RHSleadership@voiceupberks.org


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Reading, PA 19601  

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